Friday, February 19, 2010

Getting Up

Falling is easy, getting up is the hard part, am up and at them.
I am in a strange mood, I think that when I fell down the stairs some of my brain cells must have been jolted!

One week with the kids full time and I think I deserve a medal, a cash prize. a cookie? And will my prince in shining armour arrive sometime soon, this is getting loooooonnnnnnnnnnnngggg.

Rugby guy is making me laugh, I never knew Georgian's had game. He is now currently facebook stalking my photos and has invited me to some national football matches. Oh wait the stalking aint game but kudos for top seats at matches. I made it clear that if I went it would be just as a friend, I kinda wish I fancied him at least then I might have something to do.

I look a hot mess so I actually don't know why he is interested anyway, ok my hair is a mess, body is banging...or bangable (oops let's stay PG 13).

I understand those who say my children are my life, my children are literally my life. Nothing to do, so bored!
I'm meeting the shot sipper for coffee tomorrow, should be a laugh...again, why don't I fancy him, he is decent enough right? Oh no, he sips shots! I wonder if he is going to sip his expresso tomorrow?

Instead I kinda think my HD is kinda cute. lol! But I know why I don't like anybody......


  1. Italian guy that was at my bday celebrations.

  2. lmao...'bangable''s not your fault!!

  3. Find it very unfair that you refuse to get involved with my blog if I write one yet you can write freely....Say No More!!!
