Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sayings and signs

I'm finding it difficult to settle, my feet are well and truly itchy? Why all of a sudden do I have this urge to jump up and leave, pack and get away. Lay on a beach somewhere and sleep, sleep for a week and awake to find that the world is probably still as messed up as it was when I left it.

They say pain is beauty
I'm in so much pain
They say life's a B***
I say I am that B***
They say love hurts
I say it doesn't have to
They say still waters run deep
and that you don't miss your water til your well runs dry
I say I'm not that thirsty
They say absence makes the heart grow stronger
oh they do say a load of BS don't they!

I am trying to grow up, make choices that make me happy while also considering others, I know that you cannot always avoid hurting everyone but how is it that most of the time you hurt yourself. I like walking into open minefields and when things blow up in my face I don't change direction, I go deeper.

I was looking to build on two relationships this year and one has been eliminated already.....but the signs were there from the very beginning. Oh but how I love a challenge, don't we all girls. Now where do I find my next working progress?

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