Sunday, January 10, 2010

Why should I be sad?

I've never understood those who air out their dirty laundry, who announce their misery and solitude on Facebook, but then sometimes I understand and while they express their emotions in a status update, I bore people to death in a few hundred words.

I think that I have been watching a bit too much S&TC and an email finally brought me back to earth. What is the difference between being in love and loving someone? I love you but I'm not in love with you = I don't want to be with you. So what has love really got to do with it? Erase the love and just say what you mean and mean what you say. I've seen films and read books where this phrase has been used and always find it kinda funny when I hear or read it. As an adult (yes I am) you begin to understand the complication of relationships and well erm it's not so funny now huh?

I'm listening to 'The Sherry Dixon Show' and they are talking about getting back with an ex, is it ever a good idea? Normally once I am really done and dusted with someone, I can't go back, the feelings just never are the same as they were before.

But still tears are shed, even if it is over spilt milk. Is it possible to cry a river, maybe when it turns out that you're not 'The one'. Then again sometimes a good cry is all you need, forget the song all you need is love, all you need is a good cry dun dun dun dun.

From the lows to the highs, I am pleased to say that I still see love all around me, I'm going to be a bridesmaid.....there is hope, so why should I be sad?